Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Lee Fields & The Expressions - Special Night

Well what could possibly be cooler than Lee Fields?
Lee Fields in a Hot Air Balloon over what appear to be the Cali vineyards from the Sideways film! They had me from the moment the organ appears on this beauty. Also check out that first jacket he's wearing and how it catches the light...damn...
It's the title track from their new album which is out now on Big Crown Records, and ALL of the links you need are under that vid!
Love the old-school cover
The chaps also make an appearance on this newly-released space oddity...
and if you wanna see 'em live (it is traditional here that the formatting now goes haywire...)
Feb 18: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - Washington DC Rock & Roll Hotel
Feb 23: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - Burlington, VT ArtsRiot
Feb 24: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - Montreal, QC L'Astral
Feb 25: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - Toronto, ON  Lee's Palace
Feb 26: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - Detroit, MI Majestic Café
Feb 28: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - Chicago, IL Thalia Hall
Mar 01: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - Bloomington, IN Buskirk-Chumley Theater
Mar 03: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - Kansas City, MO Record Bar
Mar 04: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - St. Louis, MO 2720 Cherokee Performing Arts Center
Mar 05: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - Nashville, TN Mercy Lounge
Mar 09: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - Charlotte, NC Neighborhood Theatre
Mar 10: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - Savannah, GA Savannah Stopover Music Festival
Mar 11: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - Atlanta, GA Terminal West
Mar 12: LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - Durham, NC Motorco

Monday, 29 August 2016

Senyawa - Calling The New Gods

Many years ago, before the internet, you would have to stay up to silly-o'clock at to catch amazing gold that would be buried late at night by stupid television execs. Every now and then there would be a quite extraordinary find. Later, when videotape arrived you could set up a recorder to run through the night, and then see what, if anything, you had 'caught' at a more sensible time. This wonderful film took me straight back to those days.
It follows these two as they perform in all sorts of different places in Jogjakarta, from rural to city, and the music (just vocs and an incredible instrument called bambu wukir - bamboo spear) is semi-improvised to fit each setting. The filming catches each environment perfectly.
Fans of Popol Vuh and Magma will explode when they hear this stuff! Their influences seem to be Metal; local tribal styles and, clearly,improvisation.
Look, just watch and listen it's beautiful

Hats off to the director Vincent Moon (he seems to work as Petites Planetes as well)
Ok now the good news is they're coming to the UK (well Newcastle!) this October.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

We are Twisted Fucking Sister! - Film/Documentary

Finally saw the DVD version last night - what a riot. Unlike hipster fools, everyone in Heavy Metal knows it's all about delivering the goods. It's either a great show or the band AND the audience have failed. Twisted Sister knew it instinctively, and spent 10 years building a colossal steamroller of an act and huge live following in the States - in the REAL States outside of New York city - where "Disco Sucks". There's a great comment about NYC in the 70's...something like "the adults had moved out and left it to the children" spat out with contempt. This is a documentary about those first 10 years and, as luck would have it, everyone in the band and crew are born storytellers/auteurs so this is two and a quarter hours of great, and sometimes tall, tales. Because the story just falls into the era of videocams there's contemporary live footage to back up the claims to live awesomeness. The contradictions as to what happened behind the scenes are left in, which I think was a great decision as they were all about the schtick, and were clearly very savvy businessmen. To keep the steamroller going without any media/ record company assistance was a goshdarned miracle, and you will love them for it. The latter moments when England saved their bacon brought a tear to the eye because I was there and, whilst not a great fan of their music, live they simply destroyed. We had no idea of the disasters they'd been through to get to that stage, and they didn't drop their guard...as the Reading Festival (and poor Hanoi Rocks) found out. Dee even sprayed us with gunfire from a machine-pistol and we loved it. If you want a good show this film, and Twisted Sister, deliver the goods \m/
A trailer cannot really do it justice but...

Blanck Mass - Dead Format + UK tour dates

Well i'm not sure what happened there but it involved one of Fuck Buttons and what appears to be a cyber-tuber!
A tip of the hat to director Konx-om-Pax
The track is from the current album 'Dumb Flesh' which is on the excellent Sacred Bones label. Here is the album sleeve + current tour dates - how neat...

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Wooden Indian Burial Ground - Burnout Beach + album/tour deets

I've been meaning to flag up this lot, and now is the time because they are in the UK and the visuals are all in alignment. The new vid is a tremendous freakout - stick with it...
They're from Portland but the new album 'How's Your Favourite Dreamer' is out on Belgian label EXAG' Records. It is a thing of beauty.
There are a lot of bands doing this stuff but they all tend to be generic sound-a-likes. This lot stand out, I think, because they really can jam. Here they are from a coupla weeks ago.
Phew! So, tour
The Finsbury in London; The Cavern Club Exeter; The Hope & Ruin Brighton; The West Indian Club Rugby; 1000FRYD Aalborg.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Joanna Newsom - Divers

This is a sensational return to form. I'm up & down with Joanna (listeners to the Radio Show may recall my getting completely lost in the 3 disc 'Have One On Me' release - in a good way), and this is def an UP. Perfect 'recording' from Albini and a BEAUTIFUL vid from Paul Thomas Anderson. Yep, she's pulled out the big guns for this one.
This is the title track from the new album which is out now on Drag City.
Tour dates for USA & Australia (+ anything else you might need) are here-

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Maya Art (Vera Bremerton) - What Happened?

Actually, just while I am posting about these two, here is a film by Maya, with soundtrack by Vera (who is also clearly in the film)
Great isn't it?