Thursday 15 August 2013

Rants of Chairman Tobo

there are a lot of lies being spread about the 'cost' of the welfare state. Please remember that 'the cost' includes the money that actually trickles down to the people who need it/medical care/education/dole, well YOU...and then there is the other IMMENSE cost of the beaurocracy who leech the bulk of the money. If I remember correctly 9 or 10 NHS trust beaurocrats built up pensions in excess of 1 million pounds in the last days of new labour, as did bbc people (yentob?), and I think some police beaurocrats did as well. Do you remember '10 managers for every 1 nurse'? disgraceful wasn't it? but blaming people in need of help for that seems...stupid?...really nasty and vicious?

Hang on £400 million to atos to throw disabled off benefits? Why don't we just EMPLOY the disabled using the £400 million, and use this new work force for something honest and decent and investigating ATOS with a view to prosecuting them all and fines to the tune of, say, all of the money they've been paid + a punitive element on top for discrimination against the disabled? Ha ha just a thought...

"Mums selling sex to feed their children as benefit cuts hit Hulls poorest" - Police and Social workers need to go out; find these ladies; and then make the DWP give them enough fucking money to feed their fucking families. What in gods name is going on here? Billions pissed away to save the bastards that have caused this, and pre-victorian horrors re-introduced by a traitor-government that virtually no-one voted for!

Kelly Stone - the rotten pig face of middle england middle class middle management

thailand provides an elephant with a false leg - england persecutes the mentally ill until they commit suicide...what a shithole

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