Monday 21 October 2013

more rants of chairman gums

"it ain't about work, hard or otherwise, enterprise, gender...blah blah...wealth is about cheating and then lying...there is no honour or virtue progress...just stagnant thugs"
""MPs are like police, solicitors and junior doctors" no they are not...they are bums, lying cheating, money-grubbing bums. The real professions (police, solicitors, doctors, nurses, teachers, know) have been under attack since reaganite/thatcherite politics took over. By the way bankers, politicians, estate agents, anyone in the city and finance, journalism are NOT professionals."
"well well well what a surprise, civil servants are INCAPABLE of understanding private sector/business and finance as the utter fuckwit Mr Nadhim Zahawi displays in his cretinous defence of corruption. Some banks NAILED what would happen...beaurocrats failed usual. Now where's the punishment? £1.8 billion pissed away by an inept state that is persecuting the poor and weak with this bullshit 'austerity' crap! Why aren't these fucks surcharged? Civil Servants can be made to pay from their own pockets you know? It's rarely used because they are terrified of responsibility..."

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